San Francisco Carnaval 2016
Viva La Madre Tierra
The San Francisco Carnaval is an annual weekend celebration of community, culture, and homeland. It brings together the entire Mission District in a flurry of colour, dance, and music.
During my year abroad, I was lucky enough to find myself in San Francisco and attended the 2016 San Francisco Carnaval. The theme was "Viva La Madre Tierra" (Long Live Mother Earth).
Click "Carnaval 2016" to view the colours and be carried on a journey of a lifetime.

Create. Capture. Cherish.
Stephanie Bale
Hi, I'm Steph and I like creative stuff (and plants!).
I live in London, but am definitely a country girl! Born in North Yorkshire, I spent the best part of my childhood on the North Yorkshire Moors, but have lived all over the United Kingdom and United States. I have recently settled down with my husband and make a living running conservation programmes in some of East London's greatest parks.
I am a 24 year old self-taught photographer. I received my first camera (a small pocket sized digital) at fifteen years old, and have been exploring the art of photography ever since. Unable to take my piano to university, photography became my artistic outlet and, through the lens, I developed a real passion for finding beauty in the world around us.
I love to learn. I love to explore. And I love what I do.
I want to share it with you!